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Housing Authority of the City of Richmond (HACR), Indiana wins 2 National Merit Awards for Resident and Client Services

Mark Thiele, Sean Gilbert, Kelley Cruse-Nicholson, Keon Jackson, Lindsay Freed, George Guy.Left to Right: Mark Thiele, NAHRO CEO; Sean Gilbert, NAHRO National Senior Vice President; Kelley Cruse-Nicholson, HACR Commissioner; Keon Jackson, HACR Executive Director/President & CEO; Lindsay Freed, HACR FSS Coordinator; George Guy, National NAHRO President.


(November 25, 2024) - The Housing Authority of the City of Richmond, IN (HACR) has been chosen as recipients of two of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) Awards of Merit in the category of Resident and Client Services for providing job opportunities and food options to residents and members of the community.

The official presentation of the awards took place in Orlando, FL. on September 25, 2024 during NAHRO's Summer Conference. "The NAHRO Awards of Merit Program was created to give national recognition to NAHRO Member organizations that have found innovative ways of making a difference in the communities and the lives of the people they serve. As our country grapples with a nationwide affordable housing crisis, housing agencies across the country face local challenges with tenacity, creativity and a powerful will to improve their communities."

Through the FSS program, HACR has increased outreach to residents and the community we serve. "These programs aim to celebrate self-sufficiency and achievement and honor the work our staff and residents do each and every day to ensure a safe and affordable place to call home. Resident and Client Services include innovative use of programs such as special activities for children, families, the elderly, anti-drug programs, social services, and self-sufficiency. Whether we are building and repairing homes, forging local partnerships to provide resources such as food and workforce development, or increasing the agencies' ability to serve; these dedicated professionals build and implement innovative solutions that improve the lives of their residents, their staff, and the communities in which they work." The HACR awards for Merit are listed below:

Award #1 On-Site Job and Volunteering Fairs
The Housing Authority of the City of Richmond (HACR) Indiana launched a series of Job and Volunteering Fairs (JVFs) in the purpose-built communal spaces integrated into each of its public housing developments. In partnership with Eastern Indiana Works, HACR has recruited local employers who are actively hiring to meet face-to-face with jobseekers, enabling them to learn about available roles, exchange contact information, submit resumes, and make lasting first impressions. JVFs create an easy opportunity for HACR residents to consider and engage in paths to improving their financial self-sufficiency, including paid work, volunteer positions, and our Family Self Sufficiency program.

Award #2 Pop-Up Farmers Market: Connecting Residents and a SNAP Doubling Program
The Housing Authority of the City of Richmond (HACR) hosted a Pop-up Farmers Market at one of its public housing developments, bringing fresh local foods to residents and educating them on the Farmers Market's SNAP Double Dollars Program (SDDP). The SDDP allows shoppers using SNAP to double their benefits and pay for meat, eggs, produce, baked goods, and more at the market. The SDDP does not reach many HACR residents at this time due to lack of awareness and transportation; however, HACR is working diligently to take steps as quickly as possible to expand and improve awareness & transportation to better serve those in need. The Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County provided person hours by serving free lunch provided by HACR. The Richmond Farmer's Market provided equipment, person-hours, and connection to vendors. Over 50 HACR residents attended, and $446 in doubled SNAP benefits were spent.

Through successful partnerships, HACR has been able to increase the number of job opportunities and fresh food to families that we serve in the Richmond Wayne county Area. It is HACR's hope that the general public, community leaders, private industry and government itself will become inspired to reform and enhance existing housing and community development programs, and in addition, create new ground-breaking programs and services to meet the housing needs of our nation's most vulnerable citizens.