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FSS (Family Self-Sufficiency) Services

January 2023, Richmond Housing Authority was awarded the first FSS Grant. The $91,553 Grant was for the 2023 calendar year.

What is FSS?

The FSS program is for residents of our public Housing Developments, namely Southview, Merle Henderson, Bobby Smith (Norwood), and Jerry Geier (Westwood), and for all who receive a Section 8 voucher from us (the Housing Authority of the City of Richmond).

The program is designed to serve our residents who:

  1. aren't working, who want to work, and those who
  2. are working, and want to make more money than they're making right now.

The program helps in two ways:

First, you meet with Lindsay, the FSS Coordinator, who will become your case manager if you choose to participate in the program. Lindsay works to assist you with anything that might be getting in the way of you working, including:

  • Health care needs
  • transportation issues
  • childcare
  • connections to assistance with budgeting
  • assistance with utilities,
  • and more or less anything else you can think of
    • Lindsay has worked with dozens of partner organizations across Richmond to find the best programs available.

Next, if you choose to participate in the FSS program, as you make more money, your rent with the Housing Authority will increase as usual. 

But with the FSS program, HUD pays you back.

For example: If you sign up for the FSS program, and then your rent goes up by $100 because you're making more money at your job,  HUD will pay $100/month into your FSS managed savings account for every month that your income stays at that new amount. This means that at the end of a year, your account would have $1,200 in it.

When you graduate from the program (by achieving some goals that you set), the money in your account gets paid back to you, all in a single check. Once you receive this check upon graduation, the money is entirely yours, and neither HUD nor the Housing Authority can tell you how to spend it.

Some people graduate after 1 year, some after 5 years. It depends on how much time you need to work on your goals. 

Participants in FSS programs all over the United States have graduated from the FSS program with checks as large as $20,000. 

Frequently asked questions:

I'm not sure, but I might want to sign up. Can someone explain this better or answer my questions about it?

Yes! With any questions or concerns, please send a text message or call 765.280.6145 to reach Lindsay, the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Coordinator. You can also email Lindsay. If you would prefer to come in person, you can visit the office at 58 S 15th Street and ask for Lindsay at the desk, but she's not always in, so calling ahead is best.

Can I be in this program?

All Section 8 voucher recipients and residents of our four public housing developments over the age of 18 are eligible. However, if you don't want to work, or you're working and don't want to increase your earnings, then this program is not for you.

I'm on disability, but I still want to work a few hours a week. Can I participate? Do I need to work full-time?

Full-time work is not required. Folks on disability who are still interested in increasing their earned income by working are absolutely welcome to the program.

How do I sign up for the program?

Call or send a text message to 7765.280.6145, or come into the Housing Authority office and ask for Lindsay (she's not always in the office, so calling or texting is the best way to reach her). You can also email Lindsay.

If you're a Housing Authority Resident: (Resident = lives in public housing or gets Section 8 from us) - We're here to help you increase your income (and do tons of other stuff)!

Call or text: 765.280.6145
Email Lindsay

  1. Work one-on-one with an FSS Coordinator to set and achieve your personal goals.
  2. Get in touch with services like:
    1. Job Training
    2. Continuing Education
    3. Childcare
    4. Transportation 
    5. Assistance paying for Utilities
    6. Healthcare and Insurance
    7. and many more!
  3. Earn extra cash from HUD when your income increases.

Limited participation slots available - call us today!

FSS Flyer. All information from this flyer is listed above.